2022年的前5个obs Studio插件以优化流媒体

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free, open-source streaming and video recording program. You can obtain OBS Studio from theOBS Project网站。它是多平台,在Windows,Mac和Linux上工作。Core obs Studio配备了功能强大的API,可启用插件和脚本,以提供针对您需求的进一步自定义和功能。您可以利用本机obs Studio插件进行高性能集成。

You can use OBS Studio to create videos from multiple sources and media, including browser window captures and recordings, uploaded images, text annotations, and webcam videos. There is no in-built time limit, so you can capture hours of activity if you desire.您可以以高清质量捕获屏幕并直播。这是游戏玩家与世界分享游戏时最喜欢的功能。您可以选择视频捕获质量,以便设置您选择的分辨率或让其与显示器的分辨率匹配。您可以将文本和图形添加到实时视频中,这是许多第三方插件和叠加层的关键功能。与一些更昂贵的流媒体选项不同,您不必付费即可从屏幕上删除水印。

OBS Studio最重要的优势是您可以像专业人士一样使用它来流式传输,但它是免费的。您可以包括自定义徽标,混合音频和高分辨率。您还可以流式传输您的选择游戏,而不必将自己限制在兼容游戏列表中。However, it can be difficult for a beginner to set up as it has so many purposes and potential uses. If you simply want to stream a game you're playing, all the options and specialist terminology may daunt you. OBS Studio may not be simple, but it is flexible.像所有开源软件产品一样,OBS Studio的功能集并不总是像付费产品中一样清晰。核心OBS功能也不是详尽无遗 - 有人总是想出一个原始想法。但是,这些可以作为插件实现。OBS项目包括一个论坛,人们共享他们创建的插件,其他开发人员在市场上发现一个利基市场,并制作插件以在流软件中添加其他功能。

Top 5 Best OBS Studio Plugins for 2022:

1.OWN3DPro OBS Plugin

OWN3DPro OBS Plugin

OWN3D has created an array of stream overlays, stream labels, Twitch alerts, live chat box integrations, Twitch chat boxes, and copyright-free music for OBS Studio users. You can access five overlays, five alerts, stream labels, and a countdown widget for free. Or you could gain access to considerably more by downloading the OWN3D Pro OBS Plugin and paying between 7.08€ and 10.99€ per month as a subscription.

With the OWN3D Pro OBS Plugin, you can select from 575+ overlays and alerts for your streams. You can install your overlays and alerts with one click. The process takes only a few seconds, meaning you don't have to be a tech wiz. You can use OWN3D's preset stream labels or create your personal ones to keep your viewers updated in real-time about your latest followers, cheers, subscribers, and more.

Ours3D Pro obs插件的另一个优点是,您可以将Twitch聊天嵌入到Obs Studio中,并在流中显示您的聊天。他们的聊天机器人使您可以停止烦人的麻烦制造商,同时奖励您的社区赠品。

他们的商业许可证涵盖了所有Own 3D Pro资产,因此,只要您已经支付了自己的3D Pro订阅,您就可以在Twitch,YouTube或Facebook上自由使用其流中的任何物品。目前,该插件仅支持操作Windows 10(64位)操作系统的机器,但他们计划将来支持Mac OS。

要使用自己的3D Pro插件,您会照常开放Obs Studio。单击屏幕右上方的“工具”,然后找到插件。

最近OWN3D完全重新设计了OWN3D ProDashboard Overview to make it look much more straightforward. They have added a notification bar to keep you better informed of news or status updates. They also redesigned the Event List. You can now install overlays in multiple languages. They intend to translate all their themes to English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese in the long term.


StreamFX OBS软件

您将在OBS Project网站的资源部分(以及其他近100个插件)中找到StreamFX插件。StreamFX是libobs的插件(obs Studio,Interlements obs live),可添加新的来源,过滤器和过渡,使您能够为您提供能力。为了大幅度改善您的流并录制设置,直到现在,在OBS Studio中可能会发生什么。无论是模糊一个区域,以3D移动某些东西,还是只是将自己的着色器作为新的过渡,源或过滤器-StreamFX具有它。创建具有3D效果的凉爽新场景,使某物发光或具有阴影或模糊内容 - 选择是您的

StreamFXregularly updates its software and includes features at varying stages of development. It categorizes its features as Experiment (features that are likely to break setups in unexpected ways and should not be used in production), Unstable (features considered stable enough for use in production, but not entirely safe), and Stable (features which are considered safe to use in production and will only receive UI/UX improvements as well as updates for newer libOBS versions).

Currently, you can gain the following through the StreamFX plugin:

  • 编码器(均为不稳定):AMD AMF H264&H265(通过FFMPEG),Apple ProRes(通过FFMPEG)和NVIDIA NVENC H264&H265(通过FFMPEG)
  • 过滤器:3D变换(不稳定),模糊(不稳定),颜色分级(稳定),位移图(实验),动态掩码(不稳定),NVIDIA面部跟踪(实验)和签名距离距离(实验)
  • Sources: Shader (Experiment) and Source Mirror (Stable)

3.ReaPlugs VST FX Suite

ReaPlugs VST FX Suite


尽管OBS Studio确实包含了一些音频过滤器,但您可以找到其他音频滤波器作为插件。


  • VST instruments – plugins that generate audio as virtual synthesizers or samplers
  • VST effects – these function like hardware audio processors
  • VST MIDI效果 - 这些过程MIDI消息并将MIDI数据发送到其他VST仪器和硬件


您可以找到免费的VST插件的一个地方是收割者。为此,您将需要下载其VARPLUGS VST FX SUITE。在大多数情况下,您需要下载该软件的64位版本。

Once you add this software, you can add a VST plugin through your OBS microphone device filters. You will find a list of various ReaPlugs VST plugins. How-To Geek has written a tutorial on如何设置VST插件

4。OBS.Live Plugin for OBS Studio by StreamElements

OBS.Live Plugin is StreamElements' add-in for OBS Studio. Optimized for gaming and IRL Live Streaming, it integrates your Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook Gaming chat right into OBS, along with your activity feed. It gives you quick access to all your StreamElements tools.

You can use the plugin to add your activity feed and stream chat seamlessly into your OBS console. It includes Replay, Ship, and Mute alerts, giving you extended control over how and when you display your alerts. It is optimized for OBS, so your CPU won't feel it running. StreamElements puts everything possible into one single browser source. Loading your overlay from a single source means that your CPU only has to load one source, which reduces CPU usage.



Tuna is another free OBS Studio plugin that you can find in the OBS Project resources. This plugin lets you display information about the currently playing song in OBS without running a third-party app. At the moment, it supports Spotify, MPD, OBS VLC video source, last.fm, Google Play Music Desktop Player, any Windows title, and Soundcloud, Yandex Music and Spotify Web Player via a tampermonkey script.

It provides this information via text and image files, which you can configure in the Tuna dialog. To display the information, you have to add text and image sources and point them to the text and image file, respectively. You can also display information through the browser source.
